TEC - Technology, Engineering, Cyber, Security Clearance Career Events Logo

Nationwide Polygraph Only Virtual Career Fair


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Cleared Connections Logo

All professionals with polygraph clearances are invited to attend the #1 Polygraph Only Virtual Career Fair on April 27th. This event takes place online, allowing you to participate  from the convenience and safety of your home or office. No travel required! Meet with recruiters virtually from the entire USA and beyond. This event is powered by Brazen, the #1 Virtual Platform in the USA.

Job seekers requirements:

CI or Full Scope Poly required to attend

Positions include:

Aerospace/Aviation, Chemical/Biological, Information Technology, Computer Hardware/Software, Counterintelligence & SIGINT/HUMINT/MASINT, Cyber Security, Data Science, Engineering, Management, Government, Linguists, Manufacturing, Nuclear, Professional, Telecom and all other related fields.

Click Here to Register as a Job Seeker

Here is a quick video walk-through on how a virtual event works for job seekers: